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Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012)

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Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012)

Postaj by THUNDER_DINIX sri vel 01, 2012 7:58 am

a to je to.... a ja jos gledam sta je taj Journey 2.

1. dio smo gledali, nije nesto.

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Moderator foruma Dinix
(Filmofil, kolekcionar)
Moderator foruma Dinix   (Filmofil, kolekcionar)

Registriran/a : 21.12.2008
Broj postova : 35853
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Započeo/la tema :
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty889 / 999889 / 999Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty

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Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012)

Postaj by Iron Man pon srp 09, 2012 2:32 pm

pogledao drugi nastavak, baš je bezveze... prvi nije bio toliko loš

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Sva pravila CroFriends foruma|Istekao rok trajanja kartona|Knjiga pohvala CroFriends foruma i forumaša| Knjiga žalbe|Mišljenje forumaša o kartonima i banovima| Upute za forumaše |CroFriends Team|
Iron Man
Iron Man
Moderator foruma Ajron
(CloneBuster, Pipica, Sitni)
Moderator foruma Ajron   (CloneBuster, Pipica, Sitni)

Registriran/a : 20.12.2008
Broj postova : 16211
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Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty336 / 999336 / 999Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty

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Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012)

Postaj by Neu sub ruj 08, 2012 9:02 pm

Upravo pogledali Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012), film nije kvalitetan i nije uvjerljiv ali za razonodu i opuštanje je dobar. Pustiš mozak na pašu i gledaš lijepu prirodu. smajlić

Priča je labava, dječaku djed dade signal za tajanstveni otok, ovaj ode i tamo nađe svega ali da bi priča bila uzbudljivija otok je pod morem. Very Happy

Vidjelo se tu lijepuh, divovskih pčela, fine zlatnine, Nautilus i tako to...

Za prirodu dajem 10, za kvalitetu ne dajem ništa, za odnose likova ajd 7 za ukupni dojam ajd 5/10

Bit će i treći dio, vjerojatno će ić na Mjesec, kontam da će se film zvat put na mjesec prop

Upoznao sam neke čudne, predivne ljude među kojima i sebe – nekoga koga mnogi nikada ne upoznaju.Charles Bukowski
CroFriends gazdarica
CroFriends gazdarica

Registriran/a : 19.12.2008
Broj postova : 86925
Reputacija Reputacija : 4929
Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty999 / 999999 / 999Journey to the Centre of the Earth (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth 2: Mysterious Island (2012) - Page 2 Empty

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