Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Dreamer Deceiver
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Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Super da gledaš! Prva sezona je ionako malo kraca...
Jesse je kralj, predobro glumi.
Jesse je kralj, predobro glumi.
AryMan- Inžinjer foruma
- Registriran/a : 23.11.2009
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Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Jedva čekam komentare i dojmove, slobodno možeš i svaku epku ako ti se da.Margarita_Bulgakova je napisao/la:Čekala sam da završi serija, vidjela da su obožavatelji prezadovoljni pa sam i ja krenula s gledanjem. Većina mi je rekla da ako uspijem 1. sezonu pogledat do kraja a da mi ne bude dosadno - vjerojatno ću se zaljubiti u seriju. Za sada sve ide po planu, sviđa mi se
Nego, onaj Jesse mi je strašno sexy Na slikama mi je glumac izgledao nekako obično, valjda mu je ova uloga baš dobro sjela.
Ostavit ću detaljniji komentar kad završim 1. sezonu.
meni je prekul kad pinkman kaže yo bitch to je epic:klanjanje:
Upoznao sam neke čudne, predivne ljude među kojima i sebe – nekoga koga mnogi nikada ne upoznaju.Charles Bukowski
Neu- CroFriends gazdarica
- Registriran/a : 19.12.2008
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Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
ary 2x si postao isto pa sam zbrisao.
ja cu isto jednom opet pogledati u komadu, no ne ovako brzo- pobogu, pa walt se još ni ohladio nije
ja cu isto jednom opet pogledati u komadu, no ne ovako brzo- pobogu, pa walt se još ni ohladio nije
Sva pravila CroFriends foruma|Istekao rok trajanja kartona|Knjiga pohvala CroFriends foruma i forumaša| Knjiga žalbe|Mišljenje forumaša o kartonima i banovima| Upute za forumaše |CroFriends Team|
THUNDER_DINIX- Moderator foruma Dinix
(Filmofil, kolekcionar) - Registriran/a : 21.12.2008
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Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Sorry, bio sam preko moba, gledao sam film pa pisao na reklamama
Siguran sam da ću i ja pogledat seriju još jednom, ali proći će par godina da dosta toga zaboravim... Inače već par forumaša koje znam će tek sad krenuti gledat seriju, šta bi dao da mogu izbrisat iz glave neke trenutke, pogotovo finale 4. sezone...
Siguran sam da ću i ja pogledat seriju još jednom, ali proći će par godina da dosta toga zaboravim... Inače već par forumaša koje znam će tek sad krenuti gledat seriju, šta bi dao da mogu izbrisat iz glave neke trenutke, pogotovo finale 4. sezone...
AryMan- Inžinjer foruma
- Registriran/a : 23.11.2009
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Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
meni je 4. sezona ostala kao najnapetnija i najbolja, dok mi je 2. sezona ostala u mračnom sjećanju, tamo je prikazan sav aspekt pakla droge i njegovih posljedica.
sjetimo se samo onog đanki bračnog para gdje je žena ukradenim bankomatom otkinula glavu mužu, a da toga nije ni bila svjesna. prelose
sjetimo se samo onog đanki bračnog para gdje je žena ukradenim bankomatom otkinula glavu mužu, a da toga nije ni bila svjesna. prelose
Sva pravila CroFriends foruma|Istekao rok trajanja kartona|Knjiga pohvala CroFriends foruma i forumaša| Knjiga žalbe|Mišljenje forumaša o kartonima i banovima| Upute za forumaše |CroFriends Team|
THUNDER_DINIX- Moderator foruma Dinix
(Filmofil, kolekcionar) - Registriran/a : 21.12.2008
Broj postova : 35853
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Godina imam : 34
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Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
sutra krecem na petu sezonu...ovo mi je definitivno najbolja serija koju sam gleda.
Jesse je jebeni kralj, a cetvrta sezona mi je bila napeta do sad mi je cista desetka serija
Jesse je jebeni kralj, a cetvrta sezona mi je bila napeta do sad mi je cista desetka serija
Dr.Kiyu- Obožavatelj foruma
- Registriran/a : 04.09.2009
Broj postova : 4084
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Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
A što sam ja govorila, što sam ja govorila.Darth Kiyu je napisao/la:sutra krecem na petu sezonu...ovo mi je definitivno najbolja serija koju sam gleda.
Jesse je jebeni kralj, a cetvrta sezona mi je bila napeta do sad mi je cista desetka serija
Upoznao sam neke čudne, predivne ljude među kojima i sebe – nekoga koga mnogi nikada ne upoznaju.Charles Bukowski
Neu- CroFriends gazdarica
- Registriran/a : 19.12.2008
Broj postova : 86925
Reputacija : 4929
Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
But I Want to Believe! Turning to Vince Gilligan's Own Words to Debunk the Breaking Bad Finale 'Dream Theory'
By Ben Detrick on October 4, 2013 4:15 PM ET
The final episode of Breaking Bad was an exhibition of mechanical precision that would have made the Germans at Madrigal Electromotive GmbH soil their Detlef Schrempf throwbacks. After countless thingamajigs had clicked and whirled, Walter White was afforded a best-case scenario in every possible way: His fortune was passed along to his family, his wife rewarded his admission of monstrous selfishness with an opportunity to stroke the hair of his infant daughter, all his enemies were perforated or poisoned, and his ruined protégé was liberated.
And the finale was riotously crowd-pleasing. Eyes welled as Walt watched his son for the last time. Cheers erupted as Jesse choked the life out of Todd, and again as Pinkman sped off with an animalistic howl. We nodded with acceptance as Walt expired in the steely arms of his beloved methamphetamine laboratory, a man of science who wrangled a hurricane of chaos into orderly form. It was the smoothest possible ending for a story pockmarked by grisliness.
For some viewers, however, there was a sticky feeling that Breaking Bad had concluded too cleanly. Oozing wounds were cauterized painlessly. For a show that ruthlessly argued that actions have toxic byproducts — a girl gargling on her own vomit leads to the skies spewing hunks of airplane fuselage — it felt like a moral code had been breached. And after so much speculation about the ending, there was strangely very little to discuss.
Thankfully, we have Breaking Bad dream theorists! Spearheaded by Norm Macdonald on Twitter (and piggybacking on New Yorker critic Emily Nussbaum's musing that a dream would have been a more satisfying ending), advocates have pushed for an interpretation of “Felina” in which Walt dies in the snow-entombed car. Here, the keys falling from the overhead visor signal the beginning of a deathbed fantasy in which he solves all the riddles of the ravaged world he abandoned. And at the end, the police who swarm his body in the lab are actually the same ones who find him dead in the car.
But Vince Gilligan, the creator of Breaking Bad, has spoken at length about the show’s resolution. There have been no hints of a sub-rosa story line. No winks, no nudges, no allusions to an alternative ending. He has compared the absolutism of the finale to the ambiguity of The Sopranos’ closing moments. "In some cases, unanswered questions are good,” he said during the Talking Bad recap. “This story was finite all along. It's a story that starts at A and ends at Z. It's a very closed-ended thing." Yet questions about the last episode are still swirling. Surely we can dig through Gilligan's commentary — including a sprawling two-hour podcast that was recorded before such theories emerged — to refute key spittle-flecked talking points from the wild-eyed Heisenberg truther contingency. Let’s see.
The Keys
DREAM THEORY: After Walt gasps his prayer, the keys fall like a heavenly gift from the overhead visor — maybe the most clichéd place they could ever be found.
GILLIGAN: “The keys kind of magically appear ... All of the sudden, lo and behold, the keys are there.”
Well, shit. We’re on to something already. Gilligan doesn’t seem like the type of guy for which “kind of magical” is an acceptable explanation for a critical occurrence. That would be like Walt’s recipe for meth asking for “a handful of methylamine to taste.”
The Luck of the Devil
DREAM THEORY: Walt repeatedly enters scenes like a phantom, unseen by others until he makes himself visible. This happens at the home of Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz, in Skyler’s new apartment, and in the coffee shop where Lydia and Todd are meeting.
GILLIGAN: "He’s sort of got the devil’s luck throughout this entire episode. He’s got someone looking out for him. And he’s praying to someone in that first teaser. I don’t know who he’s praying to."
Ah, the fortune of Beelzebub! No wonder the most hunted man in America — and one suffering from debilitating cancer — can escape detection from an army of police who have learned that he returned to town. C’mon, the only fiftysomething man who can breezily glide undetected through solid walls is Mike Ehrmantraut. Still, maybe an evil man on his ultimate passage to hell could possess, you know, “THE DEVIL’S LUCK.”
Felina and "El Paso"
DREAM THEORY: The song “El Paso” by Marty Robbins is meaningful. The cassette falls out of the glove compartment in the opening scene and the track plays when the car starts. The song’s femme fatale, Felina, was used as a title for the episode. (It is also an anagram for "finale," but Gilligan admitted he fudged with the original character's spelling.) And the common interpretation of the record is that the narrator is dying and hallucinating.
GILLIGAN ON THE MEANING OF THE RECORD: "He kills a man, flees town, and his love for [Felina] is so great that he has to ride back into town for her. And he gets killed on the way back — and I guess we knew that was more or less what was going to happen with Walt."
So Gilligan is saying that Walt was killed “on the way back”? So it would follow, then, that he was fantasizing about reaching his destination? Hmm. Any other reasons the song was so prominent? Could it be worth mentioning that it was released in September 1959 — the same month and year in which Walter White was born?
GILLIGAN ON THE SONG’S SIGNIFICANCE: "I can’t remember — it just felt right."
Gilligan, you coy bastard. Once you’ve adopted the notion that everything back in New Mexico was a fantasy, even his statements that seem to clearly refute the idea appear duplicitous.
Walt's Suspicious Success
GILLIGAN: "We wanted Walt to succeed on some level. It’s not that he deserves to succeed, morally speaking, and nonetheless you want it. He’s your protagonist. You don’t want it all to be for nothing."
So he succeeds on some level. Argh, everything begins sounding as if couched in language referring to what we wanted to see and what Walt wanted. This is from an interview with Entertainment Weekly:
GILLIGAN: "Our gut told us that it would feel satisfying for Walt to at least begin to make amends for his life and for all the sadness and misery wrought upon his family and his friends ... But at least he takes a few steps along that path. And I think more importantly for him than that is the fact that he accomplishes what he set out to accomplish way back in the first episode: He leaves his family just a ton of money.”
Sounds pretty straightforward. But then we’ve got phrases like “feel satisfying” and “more importantly for him.” At this point, anything short of Gilligan definitely stating “This dream theory stuff is totally wrong, bruh” isn’t going to dissuade adherents from viewing everything he says as cagey misdirection. And after reviewing certain scenes, here are other observations that may or may not have been posted elsewhere already.
The apparent passage of two seasons between Walt's stay in snow-covered New Hampshire and when he appears in New Mexico on his birthday. How did a man dying of cancer survive so long? Why did it take him so long to get home? Or has time been spun in reverse?
The bizarre discussion between Skyler and Marie about whether the neighbor who spotted Walt lived on the left or the right. Some website called Wisdom of Dreams describes such confusion as: “When something important happens on your left side, then it can relate to something in your conscious mind, or something going on in your waking state. Whereas, if it occurs on your right side, it is symbolic of your unconscious mind where you are unaware of it.”
There appears to be a photo of Walt on display at the Schwartz home — which would be the product of an arrogant prick’s imagination.
Walt, a man with a God complex, finds his adopted son Jesse in a Jesus-like state: shackled, shaggy, covered with lashes, and dreaming of carpentry. Another biblical parallel: Jesse rises from a cave where he has been left for dead.
Going forward, believers will argue the minutia of what Walt could have learned from newspaper clippings and what he could have conjured from the seat of his car. If he knew that Andrea had been murdered and that blue meth was still on the market, could he have assumed that Jesse was cooking under duress? How would he have known that Skyler had been visited by Todd’s goon squad? Did Walt, as others have suggested, really die when his wedding ring slipped off in the previous episode? It’s a goddamn writhing can of worms, man. After wiping my hands of the show on Sunday evening, I’m consumed by it again, scouring the web for evidence and texting fellow believers in the middle of the night with Byzantine theories.
Maybe we’re spiraling into an abyss of hallucinatory hypothesizing because we’re unable to accept that Breaking Bad is really dunzo. Still, Gilligan and his writing team are too clever and deliberate to leave a plentitude of clues lying around if they didn’t suspect such an interpretation could emerge. And considering his X-Files pedigree, it’s worth borrowing the show’s tagline: The truth is out there.
Stavio bih link, al ne mogu.
By Ben Detrick on October 4, 2013 4:15 PM ET
The final episode of Breaking Bad was an exhibition of mechanical precision that would have made the Germans at Madrigal Electromotive GmbH soil their Detlef Schrempf throwbacks. After countless thingamajigs had clicked and whirled, Walter White was afforded a best-case scenario in every possible way: His fortune was passed along to his family, his wife rewarded his admission of monstrous selfishness with an opportunity to stroke the hair of his infant daughter, all his enemies were perforated or poisoned, and his ruined protégé was liberated.
And the finale was riotously crowd-pleasing. Eyes welled as Walt watched his son for the last time. Cheers erupted as Jesse choked the life out of Todd, and again as Pinkman sped off with an animalistic howl. We nodded with acceptance as Walt expired in the steely arms of his beloved methamphetamine laboratory, a man of science who wrangled a hurricane of chaos into orderly form. It was the smoothest possible ending for a story pockmarked by grisliness.
For some viewers, however, there was a sticky feeling that Breaking Bad had concluded too cleanly. Oozing wounds were cauterized painlessly. For a show that ruthlessly argued that actions have toxic byproducts — a girl gargling on her own vomit leads to the skies spewing hunks of airplane fuselage — it felt like a moral code had been breached. And after so much speculation about the ending, there was strangely very little to discuss.
Thankfully, we have Breaking Bad dream theorists! Spearheaded by Norm Macdonald on Twitter (and piggybacking on New Yorker critic Emily Nussbaum's musing that a dream would have been a more satisfying ending), advocates have pushed for an interpretation of “Felina” in which Walt dies in the snow-entombed car. Here, the keys falling from the overhead visor signal the beginning of a deathbed fantasy in which he solves all the riddles of the ravaged world he abandoned. And at the end, the police who swarm his body in the lab are actually the same ones who find him dead in the car.
But Vince Gilligan, the creator of Breaking Bad, has spoken at length about the show’s resolution. There have been no hints of a sub-rosa story line. No winks, no nudges, no allusions to an alternative ending. He has compared the absolutism of the finale to the ambiguity of The Sopranos’ closing moments. "In some cases, unanswered questions are good,” he said during the Talking Bad recap. “This story was finite all along. It's a story that starts at A and ends at Z. It's a very closed-ended thing." Yet questions about the last episode are still swirling. Surely we can dig through Gilligan's commentary — including a sprawling two-hour podcast that was recorded before such theories emerged — to refute key spittle-flecked talking points from the wild-eyed Heisenberg truther contingency. Let’s see.
The Keys
DREAM THEORY: After Walt gasps his prayer, the keys fall like a heavenly gift from the overhead visor — maybe the most clichéd place they could ever be found.
GILLIGAN: “The keys kind of magically appear ... All of the sudden, lo and behold, the keys are there.”
Well, shit. We’re on to something already. Gilligan doesn’t seem like the type of guy for which “kind of magical” is an acceptable explanation for a critical occurrence. That would be like Walt’s recipe for meth asking for “a handful of methylamine to taste.”
The Luck of the Devil
DREAM THEORY: Walt repeatedly enters scenes like a phantom, unseen by others until he makes himself visible. This happens at the home of Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz, in Skyler’s new apartment, and in the coffee shop where Lydia and Todd are meeting.
GILLIGAN: "He’s sort of got the devil’s luck throughout this entire episode. He’s got someone looking out for him. And he’s praying to someone in that first teaser. I don’t know who he’s praying to."
Ah, the fortune of Beelzebub! No wonder the most hunted man in America — and one suffering from debilitating cancer — can escape detection from an army of police who have learned that he returned to town. C’mon, the only fiftysomething man who can breezily glide undetected through solid walls is Mike Ehrmantraut. Still, maybe an evil man on his ultimate passage to hell could possess, you know, “THE DEVIL’S LUCK.”
Felina and "El Paso"
DREAM THEORY: The song “El Paso” by Marty Robbins is meaningful. The cassette falls out of the glove compartment in the opening scene and the track plays when the car starts. The song’s femme fatale, Felina, was used as a title for the episode. (It is also an anagram for "finale," but Gilligan admitted he fudged with the original character's spelling.) And the common interpretation of the record is that the narrator is dying and hallucinating.
GILLIGAN ON THE MEANING OF THE RECORD: "He kills a man, flees town, and his love for [Felina] is so great that he has to ride back into town for her. And he gets killed on the way back — and I guess we knew that was more or less what was going to happen with Walt."
So Gilligan is saying that Walt was killed “on the way back”? So it would follow, then, that he was fantasizing about reaching his destination? Hmm. Any other reasons the song was so prominent? Could it be worth mentioning that it was released in September 1959 — the same month and year in which Walter White was born?
GILLIGAN ON THE SONG’S SIGNIFICANCE: "I can’t remember — it just felt right."
Gilligan, you coy bastard. Once you’ve adopted the notion that everything back in New Mexico was a fantasy, even his statements that seem to clearly refute the idea appear duplicitous.
Walt's Suspicious Success
GILLIGAN: "We wanted Walt to succeed on some level. It’s not that he deserves to succeed, morally speaking, and nonetheless you want it. He’s your protagonist. You don’t want it all to be for nothing."
So he succeeds on some level. Argh, everything begins sounding as if couched in language referring to what we wanted to see and what Walt wanted. This is from an interview with Entertainment Weekly:
GILLIGAN: "Our gut told us that it would feel satisfying for Walt to at least begin to make amends for his life and for all the sadness and misery wrought upon his family and his friends ... But at least he takes a few steps along that path. And I think more importantly for him than that is the fact that he accomplishes what he set out to accomplish way back in the first episode: He leaves his family just a ton of money.”
Sounds pretty straightforward. But then we’ve got phrases like “feel satisfying” and “more importantly for him.” At this point, anything short of Gilligan definitely stating “This dream theory stuff is totally wrong, bruh” isn’t going to dissuade adherents from viewing everything he says as cagey misdirection. And after reviewing certain scenes, here are other observations that may or may not have been posted elsewhere already.
The apparent passage of two seasons between Walt's stay in snow-covered New Hampshire and when he appears in New Mexico on his birthday. How did a man dying of cancer survive so long? Why did it take him so long to get home? Or has time been spun in reverse?
The bizarre discussion between Skyler and Marie about whether the neighbor who spotted Walt lived on the left or the right. Some website called Wisdom of Dreams describes such confusion as: “When something important happens on your left side, then it can relate to something in your conscious mind, or something going on in your waking state. Whereas, if it occurs on your right side, it is symbolic of your unconscious mind where you are unaware of it.”
There appears to be a photo of Walt on display at the Schwartz home — which would be the product of an arrogant prick’s imagination.
Walt, a man with a God complex, finds his adopted son Jesse in a Jesus-like state: shackled, shaggy, covered with lashes, and dreaming of carpentry. Another biblical parallel: Jesse rises from a cave where he has been left for dead.
Going forward, believers will argue the minutia of what Walt could have learned from newspaper clippings and what he could have conjured from the seat of his car. If he knew that Andrea had been murdered and that blue meth was still on the market, could he have assumed that Jesse was cooking under duress? How would he have known that Skyler had been visited by Todd’s goon squad? Did Walt, as others have suggested, really die when his wedding ring slipped off in the previous episode? It’s a goddamn writhing can of worms, man. After wiping my hands of the show on Sunday evening, I’m consumed by it again, scouring the web for evidence and texting fellow believers in the middle of the night with Byzantine theories.
Maybe we’re spiraling into an abyss of hallucinatory hypothesizing because we’re unable to accept that Breaking Bad is really dunzo. Still, Gilligan and his writing team are too clever and deliberate to leave a plentitude of clues lying around if they didn’t suspect such an interpretation could emerge. And considering his X-Files pedigree, it’s worth borrowing the show’s tagline: The truth is out there.
Stavio bih link, al ne mogu.
iguala- Nevina dušica
- Registriran/a : 03.10.2013
Broj postova : 33
Reputacija : 2
Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Nitko ne komentira?
iguala- Nevina dušica
- Registriran/a : 03.10.2013
Broj postova : 33
Reputacija : 2
Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Tko će čitati copy-paste. Napiši nešto svoje na hrvatskom.
Tko će čitati copy-paste. Napiši nešto svoje na hrvatskom.
Upoznao sam neke čudne, predivne ljude među kojima i sebe – nekoga koga mnogi nikada ne upoznaju.Charles Bukowski
Neu- CroFriends gazdarica
- Registriran/a : 19.12.2008
Broj postova : 86925
Reputacija : 4929
Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Stavio bih link, al još nemam potrebne ovlasti. Ovdje je crno na bijelo vrlo zanimljiva "dream theory" o završetku serije. Ako je potrebno, stavit ću je u goolge prevoditelj.Neu je napisao/la:Ne.
Tko će čitati copy-paste. Napiši nešto svoje na hrvatskom.
iguala- Nevina dušica
- Registriran/a : 03.10.2013
Broj postova : 33
Reputacija : 2
Godina imam : 35
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Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
i kako sam sad i napokon pogledao cetvrtu sezonu kompletno mogu samo reci da se slazem sa aryem i da bi najrađe izbrisa kraj cetvrte epizode kako bi me uvik ovako iznenadija kad idem gledat...cila serija je odlicna, cila cetvrta sezona je odlicna, ali nemogu jednostavno opisat koliko su mi napete i odlicne bile zadnje tri epizode cetvrte sezone.
Danas pocinjem petu sezonu i nadam se da me nece razocarati i da ce biti jednako dobra kao ostatak serije
Danas pocinjem petu sezonu i nadam se da me nece razocarati i da ce biti jednako dobra kao ostatak serije
Dr.Kiyu- Obožavatelj foruma
- Registriran/a : 04.09.2009
Broj postova : 4084
Reputacija : 308
Godina imam : 31
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Kiyu, fino si ti to izračunao - ubacio Breaking Bad taman prije nego što počne Sherlock
Evo ja baš sinoć završila prvu sezonu i jedva čekam nastaviti s drugom! Sviđa mi se ispreplitanje dviju tema. Mislim da je temu o nekoj neizlječivoj bolesti uvijek teško iznijeti, a ovdje mi se sviđa pristup. Dobro je prikazana borba Walta s bolešću, ali i reakcije njegove obitelji. I žena i sin nose se s tom spoznajom na svoje načine. Zanimljivo je predstavljen i svijet droge i dilera, nadam se da će tu još svašta prikazati.
Sviđa mi se i to što se takvim teškim temama pristupilo na dosta duhovit način. Balans između tih duhovitih scena i onih tužnih meni je taman pogođen. Recimo, bio mi je tužan onaj dio kad je sin snimao zabavu za još nerođenu bebu i kad je Walt stao pred kameru i održao kratak govor. Trenutak kasnije nalazi se na otpadu sa šeširićem na glavi i sunčanim naočalama
Evo ja baš sinoć završila prvu sezonu i jedva čekam nastaviti s drugom! Sviđa mi se ispreplitanje dviju tema. Mislim da je temu o nekoj neizlječivoj bolesti uvijek teško iznijeti, a ovdje mi se sviđa pristup. Dobro je prikazana borba Walta s bolešću, ali i reakcije njegove obitelji. I žena i sin nose se s tom spoznajom na svoje načine. Zanimljivo je predstavljen i svijet droge i dilera, nadam se da će tu još svašta prikazati.
Sviđa mi se i to što se takvim teškim temama pristupilo na dosta duhovit način. Balans između tih duhovitih scena i onih tužnih meni je taman pogođen. Recimo, bio mi je tužan onaj dio kad je sin snimao zabavu za još nerođenu bebu i kad je Walt stao pred kameru i održao kratak govor. Trenutak kasnije nalazi se na otpadu sa šeširićem na glavi i sunčanim naočalama
- Registriran/a : 01.01.1970
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
eto ga...jucer zavrsija sa gledanjem..pogleda sve do kraja i mogu reci da je serija odlicna..
ful mi je sad za sto nema vise al dobro da su sad zavrsili jer bi sve dalje bilo pretjerivanje i navlacenje.
ovo je jedna od rijetkih serija koja mi nema dosadnih i napornih epizoda ili losu sezonu jer inace ovakve serije imaju prvu i drugu sezonu odlicnu i onda dalje lose i breaking bad
uglavnom serija mi je cista desetka i kolko god volim game of thrones sad mi je pala na drugo misto jer prvo dajem breaking bad
ful mi je sad za sto nema vise al dobro da su sad zavrsili jer bi sve dalje bilo pretjerivanje i navlacenje.
ovo je jedna od rijetkih serija koja mi nema dosadnih i napornih epizoda ili losu sezonu jer inace ovakve serije imaju prvu i drugu sezonu odlicnu i onda dalje lose i breaking bad
uglavnom serija mi je cista desetka i kolko god volim game of thrones sad mi je pala na drugo misto jer prvo dajem breaking bad
Dr.Kiyu- Obožavatelj foruma
- Registriran/a : 04.09.2009
Broj postova : 4084
Reputacija : 308
Godina imam : 31
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Hoće ići tko na pogreb Waltera Whitea, koji će se iduće subote održati u Albuquerqueju. provod je na rasporedu u 16.30, a u 20.00 ekipa će se okupiti u restoranu Vernon’s Steakhouse da uz iće i piće obilježi smrt jednog od najupečatljivijih TV likova ikad. Ulaznica za fanove je 20 dolara.
E sad su ga malo pretjerali.
E sad su ga malo pretjerali.
Upoznao sam neke čudne, predivne ljude među kojima i sebe – nekoga koga mnogi nikada ne upoznaju.Charles Bukowski
Neu- CroFriends gazdarica
- Registriran/a : 19.12.2008
Broj postova : 86925
Reputacija : 4929
Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Joj pa ne opet spoiler. (Iako sam od trenutka dijagnoze očekivala takav kraj.)Neu je napisao/la:Hoće ići tko na pogreb Waltera Whitea
Pogledala 2. sezonu; odlična je u svakom pogledu, baš sam se vezala uz seriju i kao da mi je propao dan ako ne pogledam bar jednu epizodu. Walter je seronja, ali uloga je savršena. Kako ga je samo sin opisao u onom prilogu što su snimali (najbolji tata, heroj) i kako ga je žena razotkrila (bar djelomično, ali svaka joj čast). Pa opet - osuđivati takve njegove postupke ili ne? Hvatao se za slamčicu jer je znao da umire. Rekla bih da mu se osladio novac, ali nije se baš nešto nauživao u njemu. Narkomanka Jane bila mi je baš simpatična dok se muvala s Jessejem, ali onda je počela manipulirat. Jesse je sexy, tu nemam više što za dodati. I napokon se na kraju otkrilo otkud onaj ružičasti medo, to me je baš kopkalo.
Odoh sad nastavit gledat 3. sezonu.
- Registriran/a : 01.01.1970
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Slažem se, Walt se uopće nije nauživao u novcu.
No on ti to ne radi zbog novca, nego zbog ljubavi prema kuhanju.
No on ti to ne radi zbog novca, nego zbog ljubavi prema kuhanju.
Upoznao sam neke čudne, predivne ljude među kojima i sebe – nekoga koga mnogi nikada ne upoznaju.Charles Bukowski
Neu- CroFriends gazdarica
- Registriran/a : 19.12.2008
Broj postova : 86925
Reputacija : 4929
Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Pogledana i 3. sezona. Sad sam već postala previše subjektivna jer sam se zaljubila u seriju. Možda mrvicu slabija sezona od prve dvije s najdosadnijom epizodom do sada (mislim da se zvala The Fly, s onom muhom koju Walt pokušava ubiti).
- Registriran/a : 01.01.1970
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Nakon što sam se podsjetio prve sezone bacio oko i na pet epizoda druge sezone, dobro je počelo
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Iron Man- Moderator foruma Ajron
(CloneBuster, Pipica, Sitni) - Registriran/a : 20.12.2008
Broj postova : 16211
Reputacija : 1608
Godina imam : 35
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Ostala sam bez riječi nakon što sam pogledala seriju, stvarno me je oduševila i nikad nisam tako brzo pogledala neku seriju. Nagovorila sam i brata da gleda, sljedeća žrtva je prijateljica.
Sve je na svom mjestu, nisu zabrljali kraj, mislim da nema više od 5 dosadnijih epizoda, radnja odlična, likovi još bolji. Sad mi je tek jasno zašto su svi bili toliko ludi za tom serijom, ali nije mi žao što ju nisam prije gledala jer bih onda gubila živce čekajući nove epizode.
Sve je na svom mjestu, nisu zabrljali kraj, mislim da nema više od 5 dosadnijih epizoda, radnja odlična, likovi još bolji. Sad mi je tek jasno zašto su svi bili toliko ludi za tom serijom, ali nije mi žao što ju nisam prije gledala jer bih onda gubila živce čekajući nove epizode.
- Registriran/a : 01.01.1970
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
jel tako margy
ali ipak...najjaci lik ostahe jesse
ali ipak...najjaci lik ostahe jesse
Dr.Kiyu- Obožavatelj foruma
- Registriran/a : 04.09.2009
Broj postova : 4084
Reputacija : 308
Godina imam : 31
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Nije Walt učinio sebe dilerom zbog ljubavi prema kuhanju...već ga je to činilo živim...adrenalin ga je pucao...prestao je biti zombi kao večina,,,,normalnih...ljudi.
igor malteze- Aktivni forumaš
- Registriran/a : 28.11.2013
Broj postova : 1413
Reputacija : 74
Godina imam : 50
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Ne mogu vjerovat kolika je razlika kad gledam neki intervju Aarona Paula i kad gledam Jesseja u seriji, odlična transformacija, posebno mi se sviđa njegov govor u seriji.Darth Kiyu je napisao/la:jel tako margy
ali ipak...najjaci lik ostahe jesse
Mislim da sam i ja nekako slično shvatila, pokušat ću objasnit pa da vidimo gdje smo.igor malteze je napisao/la:Nije Walt učinio sebe dilerom zbog ljubavi prema kuhanju...već ga je to činilo živim...adrenalin ga je pucao...prestao je biti zombi kao večina,,,,normalnih...ljudi.
Bolest ga je definitivno razdrmala i probudila. Takav genijalac, a radi dva posla koja isisavaju sve iz njega pa i volju za životom. I onda shvati da mu nešto treće ide toliko dobro da može biti Netko. To što je napokon nekome šef, što napokon on određuje neka pravila igre, što dobro čita ljude oko sebe, što odlično glumi... sve to ga je, vjerujem, održavalo na životu i tjeralo da se i dalje bavi ilegalnim poslom. A to što je posao ilegalan vjerojatno je stvaralo tu dozu adrenalina i nije mu dalo da stane. Uz to je, naravno, bio i odličan manipulator i u nekim trenucima sebični gad. Sad, je li volio kuhati ili ne, ne znam; mislim da je više uživao u svemu što to kuhanje donosi. I ne mislim samo na novac, nego i na sva uzbuđenja i stajanja na rubu. Sve to ga je s jedne strane održavalo na životu, a s druge strane je, zbog bolesti, znao da mu se ionako bliži kraj.
- Registriran/a : 01.01.1970
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
U školi gdje je predavao bio je sano jedan od mnogih nastavnika... a u narko svijetu bio je jedan jedini...
igor malteze- Aktivni forumaš
- Registriran/a : 28.11.2013
Broj postova : 1413
Reputacija : 74
Godina imam : 50
Započeo/la tema :
Re: Breaking Bad (2008–2013)+Better Call Saul (2015)
Mislim da se čitavo vrijeme osjećao inferiornim u odnosu na ženinog brata...imajuči na pameti koliko je njegov sin obožavao ujaka...možda je u jednom trenutku osjećao da je uskračen za djelić sinove ljubavi...ujak je bio junak a on samo...otac.Ne samo što je živio život on se i osvećivao....jer eto pokazao je koliko su drugi manje sposobni...
igor malteze- Aktivni forumaš
- Registriran/a : 28.11.2013
Broj postova : 1413
Reputacija : 74
Godina imam : 50
Započeo/la tema :
Stranica 17 / 18. • 1 ... 10 ... 16, 17, 18
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