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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Sasuke pon sij 05, 2009 12:25 pm

Evo, da ja napravim mali tutorial, mnogi od vas neznaju sto je Torrent i kako se koristi, za ove koji neznaju ja cu prosvjetliti zivot da vise nemoraju kupovat igre, pjesme ili filmove; jednostavno ih besplatno downloadajte s neta....
Ja koristim uTorrent pa cu na njemu davati primjere smajlić

1. Otiđite na www.utorrent.com.

2. Kada ste došli na uTorrentov glavni site, pritisnite veliki zeleni gumb
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME T292532_1.bmp

3. Downloadajte i instalirajte uTorrent; nadam se da svi znate pritiskat gumb "next" :O

4. Kada pokrenete uTorrent pojavit će vam se ovakav sličan prozor...
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME T292545_2.bmp
Tu trebate odabrati brzinu vase internet veze(u mom slučaju to je 16mbita, pošto nema 16, biram 20) i možete testirati kako biste vidjeli jel je vas port otvoren.

5. Prije nego vam dam stranice za download torrenta, volio bih objasniti neke pojmove...
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME T292550_3.bmp
Name= ime torrenta kojeg downloadate
Size= velicina torrenta kojeg downloadate izrazeno u GB i MB
Status= status vaseg torrenta; paused/stopped/seeding/downloading...
Seeds= koliko ljudi vam salje podatke na vase racunalo
Peers= nemam pojma...
Down Speed= brzina downloada...
Up speed= brzina uploada(kada vi seedate)...
Eta= preostalo vrijeme za download...
Uploaded= koliko ste MB ili GB uploadali...
Ratio= omjer uploada i downloada, po ovome su poznati privatni trackeri, svi clanovi imaju velik ratio s toga svaki torrent ima i po nekoliko seedera....

6.Siteovi za downloadanje torrenta
Odavde downloadate torrente koje pokrećete sa uTorrentom..
www.demonoid.com --- privatan, javite na PM ako trebate pozivnicu
www.demonoid.com --- privatan, trebam pozivnicu
www.torrentz.com --- pretrazivac za sve torrente; nesto kao google ali za torrente Wink
www.mininova.org-dodano by: THUNDER_DINIX (po meni najbolja stranica)

7 Sada jedino sto vam je preostalo je upisat zeljeni pojam u trazilicu, naci neki sa najvise seedera(najbrza brzina downloada, i moze biti mjerilo kvalitete torrenta) i jednostavno dvostruki klik na torrent smajlić

Uživajte, nadam se da je ovaj guide pomogao nekome...
Ovaj tutorial je napisan iskljucivo za friendship forum, zabranjeno je kopiranje ili proslijeđivanje tutoriala na druge forume bez dozvole autora!!!

Zadnja promjena: Sasuke; čet sij 08, 2009 2:39 pm; ukupno mijenjano 2 put/a.
Aktivni forumaš
Aktivni forumaš

Registriran/a : 03.01.2009
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Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty43 / 99943 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Postaj by THUNDER_DINIX pon sij 05, 2009 12:35 pm

lijepo, svaka cast

BTW, zaboravio si www.mininova.org
Moderator foruma Dinix
(Filmofil, kolekcionar)
Moderator foruma Dinix   (Filmofil, kolekcionar)

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty889 / 999889 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Sasuke pon sij 05, 2009 12:50 pm

Dodaj ti, ja nemogu, nisam mod :O
Hvala na pohvali smajlić
Aktivni forumaš
Aktivni forumaš

Registriran/a : 03.01.2009
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Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty43 / 99943 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by THUNDER_DINIX pon sij 05, 2009 1:18 pm

rijeseno. ako jos netko ima prijedlog neka napise pa cemo ubaciti gore
Moderator foruma Dinix
(Filmofil, kolekcionar)
Moderator foruma Dinix   (Filmofil, kolekcionar)

Registriran/a : 21.12.2008
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Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty889 / 999889 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Sasuke pon sij 05, 2009 1:22 pm

Hvala Thunder smajlić
Aktivni forumaš
Aktivni forumaš

Registriran/a : 03.01.2009
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Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty43 / 99943 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Neu pon sij 05, 2009 1:24 pm

odlična tema,odlično napisano,pohvaljujem te bravo
CroFriends gazdarica
CroFriends gazdarica

Registriran/a : 19.12.2008
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Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty999 / 999999 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Sasuke pon sij 05, 2009 1:25 pm

Hvala... smajlić
Aktivni forumaš
Aktivni forumaš

Registriran/a : 03.01.2009
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Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty43 / 99943 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Postaj by Gost sub vel 28, 2009 10:53 am

Odlična tema,odličano napisano ali zaboravili ste stavit jedno od važnijih "pravila" među korisnicima torrenta,a to je da kad završiš download,postaješ seeder,što znači da se sad sa tvog kompa može skidat isti taj film ili šta već je netko skinuo,pa je neki red da to što ste skinuli ostavite u istoj mapi u koju je skinuto da bi bilo dostupno drugim,budući na taj način ste i vi skinuli od nekog drugog i da na taj način funkcioniraju torrenti!!

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Sinister sub vel 28, 2009 12:39 pm

Heh,točno to,najjači su mi oni koji čim završe download prekinu seedanje... Laughing

Krše kodeks smajlić
Manga foruma
Manga foruma

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty14 / 99914 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Gost ned oľu 01, 2009 3:38 pm

Pa ima takvih,ja sam to jednom napravio,ali nisam znao u čemu je stvar,pa više nisam mogao se prijavit na torrent-Graboid Video :netak:

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by gio_deluxe ned oľu 08, 2009 8:38 pm

zašto kada god želim napraviti download filea dobivam error 404?zna li tko?
dosada nisam imao tu grešku
Obožavatelj foruma
Obožavatelj foruma

Registriran/a : 23.01.2009
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Godina imam : 42
Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty41 / 99941 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by gio_deluxe pon oľu 09, 2009 12:05 am

pa na svakom koraku moram zapet,sada vidim kompletnu stranicu i skinuo sam u torrent.
kod provjere porta,javlja mi da je zatvoren,kako ga otvorim ili ako netko zna neki sličan prog. ovomehttps://portforward.com/store/pfconfig.cgi

pa da ga skinem besplatno
Obožavatelj foruma
Obožavatelj foruma

Registriran/a : 23.01.2009
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Godina imam : 42
Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty41 / 99941 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Postaj by Gost pon oľu 09, 2009 12:08 am

sorry,ne kužim za šta je ovo?imam problem sa engleskim smajlić

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by gio_deluxe pon oľu 09, 2009 12:19 am

znači to me je utorrent poslao na tu stranicu nakon što mi je javio da mi je port taj i taj zatvoren.prvo mi je ponudio par mogućih problema,ali pošto nemam pojma o tom stisnuo sam link,"ako neznaš što raditi klikni ovdje".
tako sam došao na tu stranicu i sad bih ja kao trebao skinuti taj prog.a program je opisan ovako:
automatski prosljeđuje vaše portove
ako trebate otvoriti aplikaciju koja zahtjeva da je vaš port proslijeđen,preskočite posao i upotrjeebitePFConfig(ime prog.)nemorate znati ništa o postavljanju routera,dovoljno je izabrati program i updeateati router....
Obožavatelj foruma
Obožavatelj foruma

Registriran/a : 23.01.2009
Broj postova : 4911
Reputacija Reputacija : 228
Godina imam : 42
Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty41 / 99941 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Gost pon oľu 09, 2009 12:27 am

neznam nažalost,nisam imao takvih problema pa neznam šta da radiš,ja obično bježim od takvih programa koji "sami popravljaju probleme",nemogu reć da sam imo iskustvo ali ipak volim prije nešto saznat pa tek tad pustit prog.da radi!!

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by gio_deluxe čet oľu 12, 2009 10:43 pm

upravo skidam sim city s torrente-om,može pomoć?
Obožavatelj foruma
Obožavatelj foruma

Registriran/a : 23.01.2009
Broj postova : 4911
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Godina imam : 42
Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty41 / 99941 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Sinister čet oľu 12, 2009 10:44 pm

Kaj je toliko težak? Laughing

Sry,morao sam...
Manga foruma
Manga foruma

Registriran/a : 15.01.2009
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Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty14 / 99914 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by gio_deluxe čet oľu 12, 2009 10:46 pm

hahah,a meni je,prvi put ga koristim,jel se kužiš?
Obožavatelj foruma
Obožavatelj foruma

Registriran/a : 23.01.2009
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Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty41 / 99941 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Postaj by Gost čet oľu 12, 2009 10:48 pm

gdje si zapeo?

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Sinister čet oľu 12, 2009 10:49 pm

Skidam svakodnevno,ali time mislim da će biti teže pomoći jer nikad nisam naleto na problem...
Šta ne valja? Pretpostavljam da poput mene koristiš utorrent.
Manga foruma
Manga foruma

Registriran/a : 15.01.2009
Broj postova : 6027
Reputacija Reputacija : 139
Godina imam : 1013
Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty14 / 99914 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by gio_deluxe čet oľu 12, 2009 10:51 pm

ovak,prvo me zanima jedna stvar.imam bezžični internet,preko hspa ,izgubio sam vezu za vrijeme downloadanja.ponovo sam se spojio na net,trebalo mu je da se učita i onda je počeo odbrojavati kao da se ništa nije desilo.
jel sve ok?
2. poslao bih ti file uz download,po njemu moram izvršit neke crackove
Obožavatelj foruma
Obožavatelj foruma

Registriran/a : 23.01.2009
Broj postova : 4911
Reputacija Reputacija : 228
Godina imam : 42
Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty41 / 99941 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Gost čet oľu 12, 2009 10:55 pm

ja koristim utorrent i bez obzira koliko puta se prekine veza kad ponovno uđem u net on nastavi skidanje gdje je stao,i bude ok!
za čega crack ti traži?

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by gio_deluxe čet oľu 12, 2009 10:58 pm

ma dosta toga,mogu ti copy paste??
Obožavatelj foruma
Obožavatelj foruma

Registriran/a : 23.01.2009
Broj postova : 4911
Reputacija Reputacija : 228
Godina imam : 42
Započeo/la tema :
Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty41 / 99941 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by Gost čet oľu 12, 2009 11:03 pm


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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty Re: Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME

Postaj by gio_deluxe čet oľu 12, 2009 11:04 pm

SIM CITY 4 DELUXE EDITION ( Sim City 4 + Sim City 4: Rush Hour )

-Polish -Dutch -Danish -French -German -Italian -Norwgian -Spanish -Swedish -UKEnglsh -Portgese -Finnish

1. Unzip the simcity 4 file you've just downloaded

2. Now run daemon tool or alcohol 120% and mount "SC4DELUXE1.mdf", it will auto play and you should see install, when you click install it will ask for the serial number. You can find the serial in CD1 folder "serail"., half way installing it will prompt you to insert disk 2, now mount "SIMCITY 4 DELUXE EDITON CD2.img" you can find this on cd2 folder.

3. Download Patch Update: 1.1.638.0 from:
http://simcity.ea.com/update/index_update.php?product=EP1&x=45&y=12 or

For the following territories download the sku 1 update. The territories include North America, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Australia, and New Zealand.
( http://simcity.ea.com/update/exe/EP1/UPDATE_SKU1_TO_P1_B638.EXE or http://files.filefront.com/SimCity+4+Rush+Hour+US+v116380+Patch/;1431865;/fileinfo.html )

For the following territories download the sku 2 update. The territories include South America, Africa (except South Africa), Europe, Russia, Mexico and Central America.
( http://simcity.ea.com/update/exe/EP1/UPDATE_SKU2_TO_P1_B638.EXE or http://files.filefront.com/SimCity+4+Rush+Hour+v116380+Patch+Internatio/;1431866;/fileinfo.html )

4. After installing, download No-CD from:


(For the ALL territories)

after downloading this extract to "C:Program FilesMaxisSimCity 4 DeluxeApps"

If gameplay is terrible slow or have any Graphic Issues.

SimCity 4 Deluxe edition has knowen issues with newer RADEON and NVIDIA Drivers, the only why to get the game to work properly is to set the "Renderer option" in the graphics options to software rendering !!! it will look the same as the dx rendering and will run faster.

doom_doubt na 2008-10-26 06:29 CET:

I got it to install and now i am on tutorial area.
This is what i did:
First of all this i have vista 64.
I used Deamon tool and 7z unzip program. Winrar can also be used to unzip.

Please note: at some point of the installation you will be asked to register. I did not register so I don't know if anything changes if you do register.

1. Install Deamon tool.
2. Unzip the files.
3. Use Deamon tool to mount .mds file from CD1 folder. autorun it. You will be asked to select a language.
4. At around 49% you will be asked for CD2, mount the .cue file on the second slot of Deamon tool. (to set number of drives on Deamon tool right click on deamon tool icon that located buttom right corner of the screen somewhere next to the time, and select "virtual cd/dvd rom", "set number of devices" select 3, which will give you 4 extra drive).

5. After mounting .cue file from CD2 folder, click ok to continue installation.

6. After the installation is complete, Don't unmount anything. You will be at a blue screen. Do do anything. The computer will seem like it froze (i don't know if this is only on my laptop). then you will see an EA logo after probably 40 seconds and a movie cliff.

7. You will be taken to tutorial area.

Thats all I know. I didn't try saving and stuff or installing the patch from the EA site. (The link for the patch is given in the discription of this torrent.

Also there are no virus that were detected.

jojojo80 na 2008-11-16 22:04 CET:

Easiest torrent game to install ever. I don't post much but I figured so many people are having so many problems, I'll help you all ou. Follow exactly and you can't go wrong.

1) download and extract with winrar. You will have two folers (cd 1, cd2) and a text file containing the serial.

2) Using Daemon tools (make sure you have the latest version 4.30.1) If you don't have it, google it - it's free.

3) Set Daemon Tools to TWO devices. From cd folder one, mount the .mds file on device 1. DO NOT START INSTALLATION YET. On device 2, mount the .img file from folder CD folder 2. When mounting, change daemon tools to *.* all files, so it recognizes the .img file.

4)Now click install. Enter the serial found in the .txt file in your download folder.

The installation will run and not even ask for cd 2 if you've done this right. The game will start immidiately after installation. You DO NOT need the patch or no CD crack if you don't want it. If you have enough room to leave the cd mounted, I recomend leaving the .exe file alone. If you want the patch and nocd files, find them here:

patch - http://simcity.ea.com/update/index_update.php?product=EP1&x=45&y=12

nocd - http://gcw.fluxgames.com/games/pc_simcity_4_deluxe_edition.shtml
Obožavatelj foruma
Obožavatelj foruma

Registriran/a : 23.01.2009
Broj postova : 4911
Reputacija Reputacija : 228
Godina imam : 42
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Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty41 / 99941 / 999Kako koristiti torrente? Tutorial by ME Empty

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